COVID-19 Housing and Utility Assistance for Marshall County Residents

Area residents have been hit hard by COVID-19 related work closures and lay-offs, and are struggling to afford their rent, mortgage, and utilities. The United Way of Marshall County and the Marshall County Community Foundation engaged enFocus, regional community developers, and a network of trusted Marshall County housing and utility assistance providers to launch a three-step process for area residents to get housing and utility assistance.


Marshall County residents are encouraged to first apply for Indiana state aid before utilizing local resources. Marshall County resources will work to fill gaps left by the state programs, especially for mortgages and high rent or utility burdens.

Households in need are strongly encouraged to apply now, and not to wait until multiple months of assistance are needed, as state and local funds are limited. At a minimum, the current amount of need for Marshall County residents is $209,611 for utilities alone.

State resources

Marshall County Township Trustees

Bourbon              (574) 342-4875                 Mon., 4-6 p.m.

Center                (574) 936-3726                 Mon., 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Weds., 12:30-4 p.m., Fri. as needed

German               (574) 546-4823                 By appointment only

Green                   (574) 935-5545

North                   (574) 784-2445                 By phone appointment only

Polk                      (574) 780-6241                 Mon., 5-6:30 p.m., Sat., 10 a.m.-1 p.m. or by appointment

Tippecanoe        (574) 952-0693

Union                   (574) 952-0345                 Mon., Thurs., 1- 4 p.m. or by appointment

Walnut                (574) 892-5500 or           Thurs. 2-5 p.m., appointment encouraged;
                              (574) 952-6522                 Other times by appointment only

West                    (574) 936-4875                 By appointment only

Marshall County nonprofits

The first round of COVID-19 Rapid Response grants from the Marshall County COVID-19 Community Response and Recovery Fund at the United Way were awarded April 10, 2020, to food pantries and organizations providing housing and utility assistance to families and individuals impacted by COVID-19. Since that time, an additional seven rounds of Rapid Response grants have been awarded to organizations helping to provide and Fund the Essentials for families in Marshall County.

Organizations that are working to address immediate needs of households impacted by COVID-19 may apply online for a Rapid Response Grant at by clicking on the “COVID-19 Rapid Response Grant Application” button at the top and bottom navigation of the page.

The United Way of Marshall County and Marshall County Community Foundation – working in partnership for COVID-19 response and recovery – encourage individuals, businesses and organizations to donate to help address immediate needs due to the COVID-19 pandemic at Visit to learn more about the Foundation’s unique role in COVID-19 response and recovery work.